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Don't Delay Allergy Testing for Your Children

Don't Delay Allergy Testing for Your Children

Are your child’s sniffles and watery eyes due to illness or allergies? No one wants to see their child suffer, so the sooner you can figure it out, the sooner you can address the issue and get your child on the road to recovery.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to tell. For example, allergies can affect children of any age, but it’s unusual for kids to develop allergies before age 1. A fever means your child’s symptoms are most likely due to a virus, and watery eyes are usually an indication of allergies. 

If you suspect your child has allergies, it’s better not to delay testing. At Sima Stein, MD, located in San Jose, California, board-certified pediatrician Dr. Sima Stein offers comprehensive allergy testing that includes helping you identify your child’s allergy triggers. Following allergy testing, Dr. Stein develops a personalized treatment plan so that your child can enjoy active, allergy-free living. 

Here, Dr. Stein explains why allergy testing is so vital to your child’s health and what to expect during a testing appointment.

Allergy testing

About a quarter of all children in the United States have at least one allergy. About 19% of children have seasonal allergies, also called hay fever, and about 6% of children have a food allergy. Allergy symptoms can include:

Depending on your symptoms, a thorough physical, and health history, Dr. Stein performs tests that may include a skin test, a blood test, a patch test, or an elimination diet. These tests help to identify an allergy and its triggers. Figuring out your child’s allergy triggers is important to help you know what to avoid and how to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Additionally, allergy symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening, as in the case of anaphylactic shock. So, it’s vital to get your child tested for allergies as soon as you suspect they might have one or more.

Allergy treatment options

The first step in treating your child’s allergies is to identify the triggers and try to avoid them, whether it's pollen or peanuts. Next, she may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medication such as an antihistamine, decongestants, or nasal corticosteroids to treat symptoms. 

For more problematic allergies, she may also recommend immunotherapy as a pill, sublingually (under the tongue), or as an injection to help your child build up a tolerance to a specific allergen. 

If you notice your child sneezing, sniffling, or scratching, make an appointment with Dr. Stein for allergy testing. You can call her San Jose office or click here to request an appointment online.

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